Why Navigability Is Important to Website Results

Website Navigation Traffic is one of the biggest buzzwords for website developers. It is important to get as many people visiting the site as possible to guarantee success. After all, what is the point of having a beautiful website if no one can find it?

On the other side of the coin, there is similarly no point in building a lot of traffic to a terrible looking website.

Navigability is an absolute necessity when developing a website. It is the one thing besides having good search engine optimization (SEO) to make your website findable and an attractive site, that will help ensure that your high traffic level will not convert into a high bounce rate. After all, if people get lost on your site, how long will they stay?

Take a moment to consider what you would do if you chose the number one site on the search engine results page (SERP) only to find out the website is impossible to find anything on. You would abandon that site for another…yes? So will just about everyone else being directed there. Guess how long a website with a high bounce rate will remain in the number one slot, let alone on the first page of the SERP.

Make sure to have good navigation and sub navigation on every page for users to easily move from one page or product to the next. The use of navigation bars is one of the most often used tools to promote navigability. Not only is it intuitive in design, but it has become commonplace in web design. Sites without a clear navigation bar are going to confuse a big number of Internet users and will see their bounce rate creep up.

Navigability also serves an important function in in SEO. One of the first parts of your website that search engines crawl is your navigation to decide the hierarchy of importance on your site. Make sure your navigation titles make it clear to both the  user and the search engines what is important. That will help with bounce rates and better rankings in the long run.

In this day and age of mobile devices, good navigation structure can make or break a sale when people are searching from smartphones, iPads and others. How often to you see people on their phones looking up businesses, directions, places to go, activities when you are out and about? Imagine that  your website delivers quick, easy to use information to visitors on mobile devices.

Another thing to watch for is dead links. If the navigation links on your own page result in error messages, it is a warning sign to most, according to Street Directory. It is even worse if the dead link is emanating from the SERPs. Make sure to test all your pages constantly to make sure they are working properly and that all links are correct, especially on sites that are ecommerce or event based with often changing pages.

We love building in navigability and designing well laid out sites at Caliber Media Group that get great results for our clients. Our ecommerce solution is unique ultimately customizable for increasing sales. Give us a call!

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